Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I never pictured the life I am currently living when I imagined turning 40.
We can plan and set goals for the future, try to fulfill our dreams, but life can change in an instant.
Sometimes change is good, and other times, perhaps with blessings in disguise, it may take some time to find the good. But I’m happy to say that I've found it!

With a refreshed outlook on life, I've decided to celebrate the new me and the endless possibilities for my future.
I've spent much of my time on this earth taking care of others, no regrets there, but I figure it’s time to focus on me. This past year has been full of new experiences:  living on my own for the very first time, meeting new people, venturing out, and improving my health. It has been such a growing experience and I thought I should carry this theme of rebirth and growth into my 40th year.

I came up with the idea of doing 40 things I've never done in the 40 days before I’m 40.
Each day, I will commit to completing one item from my list. It doesn't have to be life-changing or over-the-top, just something I've never done. Since I’m on a super limited budget, it can’t cost much (free is best) and should be something I can accomplish in one day. It can be a new food, a new hike, a new sport, whatever.
The goal is just to try new things, and maybe step out of my comfort zone just a bit.

The list is ever-changing and items can be removed or added at any time (by me of course).
Suggestions are welcome, although I am not committing to anything!
I've included some names of those who will be joining me, or assisting with an activity.

The fun begins Thursday, July 11, 2013!

Here’s what I have so far, in no particular order:
1. Airsoft (Yohanna and boys)
2. Try a new dance (KATIE)
3. Horseback riding
4. Stand up paddle (BARBARA)
5. Ride on a fire truck
6. Skinny dip
7. Try to surf (SHAUN)
8. Perform a spontaneous dance jig, or skip, in public
9. Shooting range (BRADY & MOLLY OR MONICA IN AZ)
10. Ride on a Harley (JOHN)
11. Attend a Dodger game
12. SB Land Shark
13. Perform a min. of 10 acts of random kindness in one day
14. Write letters of gratitude to at least 5 people
15. Road trip to a super random place: location TBD
16. Visit Death Valley-in the summer of course, it’s like visiting Paris in the spring! (KAELANA)
17. Drive a cool car- renting a Ferrari is out since it is crazy expensive!
18. Milk a cow, or a goat (KMF)
19. Participate in a scavenger hunt (JEN)
20. Temporarily dye my hair some ridiculously bright hue
21. Get Glamour Shots
22. Take on a fake identity for a day-wig, costume, whatever
23. Build something
24. Get a tiny tattoo? (BARB)
25. Get as many high fives as I can from total strangers
26. Sky dive, hang gliding, or hot air balloon ride! (I’m terrified of heights!)
27. Ask a random man, in a very matter-of-fact fashion, if he likes piña coladas and getting caught in the rain. I will then instantly add: "I'm not much into health food. I am INTO champagne."
28. Walk from SB to Carp (Padaro)
29. Participate in Run or Dye SB (August 10th)
30. Jump off Carp or SB Pier
31. Nojoqui Falls
32. Take a ride on the "Lil Toot"
33. Have a drink at a bar I've never tried
34. Make jam
35. Douglas Family Preserve
36. Hike Hot Springs
37. Try a new exercise
38. Something new #1
39. Something new #2
40. Something new #3

Completed items!

Day 1: Temporarily dye my hair some ridiculously bright hue
Well, this was an interesting experience! I had no idea it would be so labor intensive!
SO messy, it looked like the purple dinosaur was slaughtered in my shower-purple splatters E V E R Y W H E R E!!!

Things I learned in the process:
1.       DO read AND FOLLOW all directions. 
Dye does stain the skin, and fast, especially the ears!
2.       Do not dye alone, unless you know what you are doing!
3.       Some things are better left to professionals!

Oh and it was not so temporary! Oh well! Plenty of brown dye to fix that! 
Overall, it was fun. Thank you, cousin Eli for being unafraid to chill with me in public!

Day 2: Skinny Dip
Had me a couple of margaritas and a shot of Hornitos at the Shoreline Cafe before I got the courage to do this. Kaelana threatened to leave me on my own and make me walk home if I didn't get the job done, so I did it! Not a big deal for many, I'm sure, but I am super shy in this department!  VERY fun! A beautiful night with a crescent moon. I was naked and I liked it!

Day 3: Perform a minimum of 10 acts of random kindness in one day

-I purchased (7) $1 lottery scratcher tickets and attached them to cards that read: 
"Hi there, this is a tiny act of random kindness. I hope this ticket is a big winner! Smile."
I then placed the cards on random car windshields, or through open windows of random cars.
-Purchased a future beer for a complete stranger at Island Brewing Company.
-Purchased carnival ride tickets and gave them to two children I have never met. This was really fun! They were SO excited!

Day 4: Nojoqui Falls

Well, there were no actual falls today but it was still beautiful. We stopped at a little farm on the way out and picked up some goodies. Such a nice day for a scenic drive up the coast.

Day 5: Ride on a Harley
OK, seriously, this was SO much fun! My friend, John, took me on a nice ride and then we all enjoyed a family lunch at the Nugget. It was such a beautiful day and there is just something calming about being on the back of a bike. 
LOVED IT! Love you, Annable family!!

Day 6: Stand up paddle
We couldn't have picked a more beautiful day to do this and I couldn't have picked a more beautiful board! Mine was handcrafted by the ever-so-talented John Annable!
I have to admit that after all my Pilates work, I expected to have better balance.  Oh well, thankfully the water was warm so falling in was no big deal :-)
My friend, Barbara, did great! What an awesome afternoon!

We were excited to visit the "Hottest Place on Earth" in the height of summer and we were not disappointed!
It is like nothing else on this planet and is absolutely beautiful! Our journey began at the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. Had it not been so hot, it would have been fun to climb to the tops of the giant peaks of sand!
We took in a short hike and savored the breathtaking view at Dantes View, visited Badwater Basin-the lowest elevation in North America at 282 ft below sea level, attempted to check out the Natural Bridge but had to bail on the dirt road due to some seriously trembling car tires! We oohed and ahhed at the gorgeous multi-colored mountains on the stunning Artists Palette Drive and finished up our day of sightseeing with a beautiful sunset at Zabriskie Point. Not bad for just 5 hours in the Valley!

Day 8: Road trip to a super random place
Umm, yeah, I think we hit the nail on the head with Rhyolite, super random!
During the Gold Rush, Rhyolite's population was over 10,000. Today, it is an eerie ghost town. We took some photos of the few remaining structures and visited the town's cemetery, the tiny little museum and checked out the various art sculptures.

Day 9: Take a ride on the not-so-wild side on board the Lil' Toot
This little boat is popular with tourists and families. It takes passengers from the harbor over to Stearn's Wharf. 
My friends, Anny and Suzy, treated me to an afternoon of happy hours and fun!

Day 10: Get a drink at the Cliff Room
Ever since I moved to the Westside, I've always wanted to check out this bar. Far from the scene of downtown Santa Barbara, it's a hole-in-the-wall, dive-bar-kind-of-place. It was the perfect place for me to have a quick, much needed cocktail!

Day 11: Make jam
I've always thought it would be cool to make my own jam and can things too. My step-step, Laura, kindly shared her jammin' skills with me. It was easier than I thought, although she did all the prep work ahead of time. The process felt sort of meditative to me, stirring the fruit, watching it cook down, etc. And such rewarding work with delicious results! It is definitely something I will continue to do. Thanks, Laura!

Day 12: Jump off Carp or SB Pier
My friend, Monique, joined me for this awesome adventure!
We were both a little nervous with the idea at first, but she did a little research regarding safety and the general how-tos and we felt fairly confident in taking the leap. With some liquid courage in our systems, we walked down to the pier at high tide and during a super moon, stripped off our clothes, (down to our bathing suits) and prepared ourselves for the jump. A bunch of international students happened to be hanging out on the pier and I'm pretty sure they thought we were absolutely nuts. I did hear the word "crazy" several times. We invited them to join us, but they were happy to stay warm and dry and cheer us on instead. The water was cold, walking home wet...even colder but we had a blast!!

Video to follow (once I get it figured out!)

Day 13: Douglas Family Preserve
One of those places I've been meaning to check out, especially since I have been living here in SB. Tried briefly to find it on one other occasion but didn't. Unfortunately, I was short on time this particular day and wasn't able to explore all the trails. Next time!

Day 14: Hike Hot Springs Trail
I did this with my daughter and her two friends, Genny and Simone. It was one of the hikes I've always meant to do, but hadn't, until now that is :-) Thanks, Genny for the awesome idea! I appreciate your awesome hike leader skills and trail blazing/rock climbing expertise!

Day 15: Santa Barbara Orchid Estate & The Tee Off
The Orchid Estate was listed as a "thing to do in Santa Barbara" so I decided to check it out.  I saw some unusual orchid varieties. I suppose if I hadn't worked in a nursery, I would have been more impressed.
Later in the afternoon, I grabbed a drink at the Tee-Off, another place I've always meant to go. I'd be happy to return soon-cool place! 

Day 16: Something different...
My friend, Jerry, treated me to a nice evening at the Polo Club. I had worked there many moons ago, but never attended an event as a guest. It was a beautiful night and the food and company were wonderful. 

Day 17: Airsoft
My friend, Yohanna, saw a version of this on my original list (paintball actually). She invited me down to Santa Clarita to join in her son's Airsoft birthday party. It was 90 degrees that day and with all the extra clothing and equipment, well, really friggin' hot! 
I didn't expect to be so freaked out! I am typically easy to scare and screamed loudly when an opposing player startled me and subsequently killed me. It didn't take long for me to be out of the game. Still, it was an adventure and I am glad I tried it. 

Day 18: Failed attempt at ice blocking
Some of my daughter's friends tried to take me ice blocking.
We stopped at 5 different stores around Santa Barbara in search of ice, but no luck. Perhaps other thrill-seekers had bought it all up, who knows, but I hope we can give it another go.
Earlier in the day, we ate at Silvergreens and because I had never tried it, I don't feel like I am cheating by including this on my list :-)

Day 19: Vedanta Temple
The views from this property are really quite beautiful.
I enjoyed walking the grounds and visiting the bookstore, where I picked up a new read: The Untethered Soul.
Inside the temple, I took a little time to reflect and pray-a very peaceful morning.

Day 20 halfway there: 
Try a new exercise AND ride on a fire truck
Part one: AM
Tried a Jazzercise class, thanks to my friend Melinda.
It was a great workout and I enjoyed the class, but I'm not the most coordinated person when it comes to dance routines, or anything for that matter! I felt like I was 10 steps behind everyone, kind of comical actually. My actual dance lesson (also on my list) will no doubt be interesting!

Part two: PM
Rode on a fire truck! Such fun!
I got a tour of the station/house, whatever it's called and even got to go down the pole-twice actually :-)
Riding in the truck was a cool experience, loved using the headset/microphone to communicate with the crew. I felt like I was a child on a super cool field trip. Thank you to my friend, Jerry for making this happen! And big thanks to the awesome guys for being so accommodating! The experience far exceeded my expectations. 

Day 21: New Hike-San Ysidro Trail
This was a beautiful hike I had never tried. Lots of beautiful oak trees and it was nice to see some water flowing!

Day 22: A new Fiesta experience
Had a great evening with new friends and the most interesting man in the world ;)

Day 23: A place I'd never been...
The Nordhoff cemetery was established way back in 1870. It was interesting walking the grounds, which could use a little TLC.

Day 24: New Hike- Gridley Trail (Ojai)
The idea of a family hike sounded like a lot of fun. Maybe it was the heat, or the terrain, or sheer laziness, but we abandoned our beloved trail leader (sorry, father) and opted for some lounging by the pool instead.

Day 25: Wine with old friends
Spent some time with old schoolmates/friends at the Summerland Winery. It was great catching up!

Day 26: Santa Barbara Land Shark
This was a lot of fun! It was great to see Santa Barbara from the land AND sea. Learned some interesting SB trivia as well... like how residents of the old Fig Tree used to get their mail delivered there (mail still comes in addressed to the Fig Tree) and that Motel 6 was founded in SB with rates starting at, you guessed it,  just $6!

Day 27: Something new...
Had to make a run to LAX today, but managed to squeeze in a brief visit with cousin, Zac and lunch at a new place:
Fish Dish-very tasty!

Day 28: Casitas Lake-slightly illegal adventures!
There's just something exciting about breaking the rules!
My fellow rebellious friends rented a motor boat that we all took turns driving-kids included. We ventured out to a forbidden island and skinny-dipped in the non-swimming lake! Such a FUN afternoon! Thanks Kristina and Jen!

Day 29: Horseback riding
I have to admit that I have always been afraid of horses, not sure why as I have never been around them, but this was a great experience! Thank you, Michelle, for taking the time to show me the ropes! I had a wonderful time and enjoyed seeing the Ennisbrook Trail for the first time too!

Day 30: Weird new thing...
OK, so I didn't have anything lined up, and had a lot going on so I had to choose something quick and easy. Thankfully, (maybe that's not the right word here) my friend, Jen, had previously given me a lolly pop with a worm inside that she brought back from recent travels. She thought it would be a good thing to add to my list. I did not care for the candy's fake apple flavor and when I bit into the worm, it got stuck in my teeth. All in all, pretty dang nasty! 

Day 31: Run or Dye
Dyed I was! This was a pretty cool event, although it took a while to actually get to the start line. Runners were released in waves and the process seemed to take f o r e v e r. Overall, the event had a party feel but without alcohol. However, my thoughtful friends were quick to provide excellent solutions to remedy the situation-endless mimosas and other libations. My green-stained temples were throbbing the next day!

Day 32: Jucy Lucy Burger
Ever since I saw this on the travel channel, I have always wanted to try one! And I was not disappointed! Molten cheesy yumminess!
Never heard of one? This is from the restaurant's site:
"Matt’s Bar & Grill, now a Minneapolis landmark, began in 1954 as a neighborhood burger eatery. Shortly after we opened, founder Matt Bristol explains how the “Jucy Lucy” was created when a local customer asked for two hamburger patties with a slice of cheese in the middle. Upon biting into this new, molten hot burger, he exclaimed “that’s one juicy Lucy”, and a legend was born. Customer demand grew so quickly, we forgot to add the “i” and the “Jucy Lucy” has now become a local culinary hero."

Day 33: New Experience
I spent the day moving out of the first place I have ever lived on my own. A bitter sweet day, but ready for the next adventure. And who knows, maybe I'll return soon :-)

Day 34: New airport adventures
Thanks to the generosity and thoughtfulness of my wonderful friends, I purchased a one-way ticket to celebrate my birthday in Hawaii. In a huge (yes, perhaps very stupid) effort to avoid LAX at all costs, I endured two completely out-of-the-way flights and (2) 2-hour layovers in 2 airports. I thought it would make for an interesting experience. In reality, it just made for a REALLY LONG travel day. However, I did think the Portland, Oregon airport was pretty cool and I enjoyed some yummy biscuits and gravy and found a super-cool bookstore.

Day 35: Attempted Rummy
Not sure if it was the vacation cocktails bogging down my brain, or if I am just not that smart, but my attempt to learn this game was not very successful. Perhaps I will give it a go some other time.

Day 36-39 
Tried an exotic fruit, went to a crab bake, tried Yoga at Waimea Bay and saw Totoro on the sandy shores of Rocky Point. Such a healing, relaxing and fun trip with friends! 

Day 40: 
D A Y   F O R T Y:  August 19, 2013
What an amazing adventure this was!
I was so relieved to have Monkey join me for the big jump, such an unexpected surprise! We had breakfast and a well-earned cocktail immediately following.

Later, I was treated to Mai Tais at Pool Bar followed by dinner at Lei Lei's! This was my first Hawaii trip solita. All I can say is that I am so lucky to have amazing friends! This was the perfect finale to an incredible journey toward the big 4-0 ! Could not be more thankful, or more blessed!

Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere...
and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, 
you find yourself!
So here I am at 40, 
looking out on a big, exciting world before me.
This 40-things-in-40-days-adventure 
was truly life-changing.
I learned so much about myself, pushed my limits and learned not to take life so seriously, I mean I went SKY DIVING for goodness sake, me, the person who is afraid to be up on a ladder! I remember thinking:
"I am jumping out of a perfectly good plane. 
What the heck am I trying to prove?
I don't HAVE to do this!"
Such a surreal experience and one I will never forget.

I've learned that I have the greatest family and friends in the world, who carried me through the darkest times I have ever known. They never gave up on me and I am so thankful. It has been said that you must go through the darkest night in order to get to the infinite light. I have been on the journey of a lifetime, and although the circumstances that got me here were not ideal, I've finally begun to get to know ME and it feels fantastic! Love is a powerful thing and so many times these days I feel like the luckiest woman alive!

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." ~Thornton Wilder